dmr Output Formats

dmr supports several different output formats:


This module provides a dmr output format to write HTML output using the docutils HTML translator.

This is the default output format. Because a dmr document is already structured to look like a resume, this just uses the default docutils HTML translator – it’s basically equivalent to running rst2html on your reST resume.


This module provides a dmr output format to write LaTeX files based on Genshi templates using dmr.output.genshi.

See Genshi output options for details on how the template is selected.


This module provides a JSON output format for dmr. This is useful if you want to get the data from a resume for use in other scripts or programs.


N.B.! This output format is lossy! Text formatting (e.g., emphasis, etc.) is discarded, and only the actual text data is output.

Other formats

Additionally, since the dmr Input Format is structured to look like a resume, many of the existing rst2* tools (and other tools that read reST, like pandoc <>) will work with little further modification. This allows you to easily export your resume to a variety of other formats, including XML, docx, ODT, EPUB, and more.

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